45 Business Ideas Perfect for the Work At Home Mom


wahm biz ideas

We all want to provide something more for our family, but we may not want to compromise on being a stay at home mom. Luckily, the growth of working at home has paved the way for you to have it all. Starting up your own business can be difficult at first with no guidance. However, ZenBusiness recently launched a new program offering moms free business formation. Work at home moms are moms who have found a way to keep their family a central part of their day-to-day lives, while also managing to bring in extra income with their own business. But if you need a little extra income to handle unexpected expenses while you build your business empire, know that title loans are an affordable and convenient option.

While certainly no easy feat, starting your own business could be the key to achieving your own personal and work dreams. To help get you started, we’ve compiled our list of forty-five business ideas perfect for stay at home moms:

If you have some artistic talent, you can start just about any business that reflects your abilities. Sell paintings online or create your own designs and sell them on merchandise through sites like CafePress. Art doesn’t necessarily mean drawing either. If you have a talent for jewelry, sewing or any artistic endeavour, there are many ways to turn that passion into profit.

Automated Day Trading
An automated trading system enables traders to set specific rules for trade entries and exits, which can be executed electronically when programmed.  It is also known as algorithmic trading. You can look into crypto, bitcoin best-automated trading software where you can choose not work from home.

Simple to get started and incredibly self-fulfilling to work on, blogging is a go-to work at home idea for many moms. It allows you to focus on a topic that you enjoy most and work around your own schedule.

Now that many businesses use online accounting software, the need for a full-time bookkeeper to manage accounts has decreased. While this is bad news for full-time bookkeepers or accountants, this is good news for someone interested in becoming a bookkeeping freelancer. You can offer the services businesses need for a fraction of the price a full-time bookkeeper may charge.

Bridal Consultant
If you love weddings and are a detail-oriented and organized person, you may want to consider becoming a home-based bridal consultant. With many women juggling their work life with their home life, managing a huge event like a wedding may seem nearly impossible. Working with a bridal consultant is great way to help alleviate extra stress during this time.

Business Plan Writer
As more people start to realize that being more self-sufficient can help through economic downturns, self-employment is becoming more and more the norm. While someone may have all the know-how to create their product or service, they may not have the knowledge to actually run the business or get it started. Become a freelance business plan writer and you can help these individuals realize their dreams.

No matter you are a blog or writer, you should own a PDF editor to digitize your business. It will improve your work productivity so that you can  edit, convert, OCR your file and helps you fill the time with correct paperwork.

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Cake Decorator
Have a passion for making cakes beautiful? With some examples of your creations and a bit of social networking, you could be on your way to the business of your dreams. There are always reasons to celebrate, and where there’s a party, a cake is never far behind. Increase your chances of standing out from the crowd by targeting a niche cake business such as GMO free, vegetarian, or even Disney or other specialized design areas.

Career or Life Coach
It isn’t always easy for people to figure out what’s best for them. Sometimes we just need someone to help us along and to get us through the rough patches. Career and life coaches can help people get to that better place more easily and quickly than they would on their own. If you love people and have a true desire to help them, this may be the business opportunity for you.

Children’s Book Writer
If you love to write and illustrate and can’t keep good stories out of your head, you may want to give writing a children’s book a try. Luckily, with the iPad and Kindle, it’s easier than ever to get your story out to the masses. You can test your story ideas out with ebook apps on these devices. If one gets extremely popular, you can publish it afterwards.

Craft Business
There are many ways to capitalize on your love of crafting. You can sell your homemade goods at local craft fairs and bazaars. You can sell your items on eBay or Etsy. You can even start a craft blog with tutorials for crafts you make. Or, you can do a combination of all three.

Consulting Business
Do you have knowledge in an industry that may be helpful to other people. You may be a great startup business expert or a social media guru. Maybe you know how to break into the music or acting industry. Whatever your specialized knowledge, you can bet that other people would be willing to pay to avoid the hard-knock lessons you’ve learned.

With the age of the Internet in full bloom and content marketing becoming the center of it all, the need for copywriting has never been greater. If you love the written word and have a firm grasp on the grammar rules that make up our language, becoming a professional editor could be your ideal freelancing business.

Diaper Cake Designer
Diaper cakes are all the rage at baby showers, and they make an awesome gift. However, not everyone has the artistic ability or the time to pull one off. If you are crafty and love the idea of creating epic diaper cakes, this could be the business for you. Similar to cake decorating, this business can be profitable with good networking and great design ideas.

Direct Sales or Home Based Franchise
If you love meeting new people and helping them use the latest gadgets or products, you may want to consider a direct sales business. All the products are picked out, you are given all the marketing materials you need, and you’ll have the support of other people who are doing the same thing. Some of the more popular businesses for this idea include: Avon, Mary Kay, Passion Parties and The Pampered Chef.

Event Planner
Love to throw parties? Help others create the perfect event with your party prowess. You don’t need to cater to just home-based parties either. Some of the best income in this industry can be made through business and corporate event planning. To stay competitive, make sure you create a good network of businesses to work with.

Fitness Trainer
Your love for helping other people get in shape could become your next business opportunity. You can help coach people in your home, go to theirs, or offer online classes through Skype or video chat. You could even start a blog helping people with fitness and workout tips. Using your blog to create a following, you could also create and sell personalized workout plans online.

Freelance Writer
The need for writers has grown exponentially over the last few years. From website article writing to technical writing, your options are endless. If this is something you are interested in, you may want to consider specializing in a specific industry to help establish your expertise more easily, such as gaming, health or eCommerce product descriptions. One niche that has been thriving in recent years is that of online casinos review pages. Websites comparing and reviewing online casinos are potential goldmines – all that is needed to create a valuable comparison page is some knowledge of the online casino industry, a solid grasp of SEO best practices and good content output.

Genealogy Researcher & Family Tree Design
Knowing your family’s history and past can be more than just an idle curiosity. It can help with determining health risks, establishing a sense of family pride or helping you find a missing person. In addition, if you have any artistic or craft skills, you can turn your research into priceless works of art with family tree design. For more on how you use your love for family history as a business, check out the Association of Professional Genealogists website.

Gift Basket Business
You could probably send a gift basket to someone for just about anything going on in their life. From birthdays, holidays, get well wishes or congratulations, gift baskets are one of the perfect ways a person can let someone know they are thinking of them. As a business opportunity, if you love doing something on the creative side, this could be an ideal business for you. There are various ways to enter this business – from starting it on your own from scratch to working with an established franchise. A quick search online for gift basket franchises should turn up some ideas if you decide to go that route.

Grant Writer
Non-profits are constantly struggling to get money in the door. Grant writing is a necessary component to raising funds. Your ability to write and research will be the key to your success with this business. As a freelance grant writer, you can help multiple non-profits at once. To help get started, you may want to offer your services for free for the first few grants to establish your resume.

Graphic Designer
Graphic designers have many business opportunities that cater to their skill set. You can work as a freelance graphic designer or illustrator. You may also want use your skills to create your own line of stationery, printables or even web design templates. You could also specialize in a specific field such as logo design, infographics, brochures or annual reports.

Hobby-Related Business
Your love for your hobby could turn into a passion for profits. With the success of online marketplaces such as eBay and Etsy, you can have an instant platform for selling your creative wares. If you don’t feel like selling your creations, you can sell tutorials that will let others make them instead.

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Home-Based Bakery or Food Business
Take your love for baking or cooking and turn it into your own business. Your culinary skills can be turned into a variety of businesses, from working as a personal chef to baking at home and selling your goods to local stores. If you like cooking for a crowd, you may even want to try your hand at catering. For an in-depth look at this business idea, check out the Small Business Administration’s guide to starting a home-based food production business.

Image/Fashion Consultant
Let your passion for fashion make you some extra income. If you love pulling together the perfect outfit, you may want to consider becoming a fashion or image consultant. While it may not be obvious at first, the reasons that people may need an image consultant are quite varied. You may be helping someone get a complete wardrobe makeover, or you might help someone work on their image to land their dream job or even their dream mate. To help establish your credibility, you may want to consider becoming a certified consultant.

Interior Designer/Home Staging
A desire to make the world around us more beautiful is a great reason to want to go into the interior design business. There are a few ways to enter this business that you may want to consider. First, you don’t necessarily need to be an interior designer. You can help people with limited budgets by doing home staging or decorating their home with what they already own. A good way to help set yourself apart from the pack in this industry is to specialize in a certain area or style of design.

Internet Marketing Freelancer
Internet marketing has grown tremendously as a field, and it’s not diminishing any time soon. There are plenty of business opportunities within this industry, from content marketing to search engine specialization. You may even want to focus on traffic generation or helping businesses with the art of conversion. Your skill set can help you determine what area would create the best opportunity for success.

Licensed Day Care Operator
When you are already taking care of your own wee ones, it makes sense to look for ideas that allow you to take advantage of the way you’re already spending your time. Day care can seem like a natural extension. To learn more about how to get started, take a look at the Small Business Administration’s guide to starting a childcare business.

Menu Planner
If you’re organized and love to plan out the perfect menu, you may just have all the ingredients for a successful work at home business. Probably the easiest way to start this business is online through a website or blog. Build your network through social media and by offering sample menus on your website. Then offer to sell menu plans per week or to create customized menu plans based on the person’s dietary needs. You can make extra money with special holiday or theme menus as well.

Nanny or Babysitter Service
Know people looking for work? Help everyone out by starting a nanny service. Use a website and local marketing to help generate leads to find both potential nannies or babysitters and families looking for one. To ensure success, you’ll need to make sure you carefully examine your nannies backgrounds and resumes. A good place to start for more information if you’re considering this business is the International Nanny Association.

Online Store Owner
You may have dreamed of owning your own store when you were younger, only to find out later how difficult it is to actually run a brick and mortar store these days. The good news is, you can sell just about anything online. There are plenty of ecommerce solutions online for you to sell your wares, as well as the classic standbys of eBay and Etsy. The trick for selling products online is to make sure to specialize in a certain industry, for instance – secondhand clothing, discounted brand names, vintage finds, housewares, books, geek-related products, art, etc. The options are virtually endless.

Online Teacher
The growth of online courses has exploded over the last few years. If you have a teaching background, you may want to supplement your current income or strike out completely on your own in this new industry. You will need to be able to create video lectures and/or some type of online class work. For some ideas of what jobs you might find, look at K12 or Connections Academy. The only caveat – you may need to be licensed to teach in the state where the students reside.

Personal Chef
Not everyone has the time to create their meals, especially if they have specific dietary needs. A personal chef can become an essential part of keeping the day-to-day aspects of a family moving. Being flexible in this business will help you stay competitive. Don’t just think of dinners or working with only one family. You can offer a week’s worth of healthy lunches or quick breakfasts. You may also want to be on call for special family or holiday events. Specializing in a specific area such as gluten free, low calorie or vegetarian will also help you target people looking for solutions to more specific needs.

Personal Travel Planner
Like to plan dream vacations, but can’t always go on them? Do the next best thing and plan them for someone else! A travel planner specializes in providing custom itineraries based on their client’s needs. Your goal will be to create the ultimate experience within the client’s budget. Research skills will be a necessity for this business idea, as you’ll need to look up local information such as restaurants, museums and other attractions.

Pet Related Services
The pet industry is booming, and as such, business opportunities in this industry are growing. Your love for pets can be applied to a variety of businesses such as pet grooming, homemade pet snacks, designing your own pet fashions, pet walking or even pet sitting.

Professional Organizer
If you love to organize and want to help people take back control of their lives, you may want to consider becoming a professional organizer. If you’re not able to actually go to people’s homes and help them organize, you can start a blog or website devoted to giving tips on how to organize. You may even want to consider writing a series of ebooks dedicated to the topic.

Public Relations/Press Release Writer
Businesses are successful based on the number or customers or clients they have. One of the best ways to generate new business is through the press. If you love to write and have a flair for marketing, you may want to put those skills to work by becoming a freelance press release writer. You can also monetize your network by using your connections to sell your services as a freelance public relations expert.

Scrapbooking Business
Preserving memories may seem like a fun hobby to you, but it can also be a thriving home business opportunity. Not everyone has time to create albums of their family’s history. Similar to the need for hiring a professional organizer or interior designer, this is a business where you can do what you love and help someone else, too.

If you have talent with a needle and thread, you may want to put that talent to work. Your sewing skills can be the key to a number of business opportunities, from mending and sewing custom clothes to creating homespun projects and selling them online.

Sell Used/Vintage Items Online
Vintage clothing is all the rage, and many people would rather buy their clothes from eBay than go thrift shopping for themselves. Use this to your advantage by finding some great clothing at your local thrift shops, fixing it up at home and then listing it online. You don’t have to stop at clothes either. You may have a love for vintage or secondhand jewelry or even vintage brand-related products.

Stock Photographer
Becoming a freelance photographer probably relies 80% on your ability to market yourself and 20% on your actual ability to take great photos. Since this is an incredibly competitive industry, you may want to consider other opportunities in the same field. One alternative idea is to become a stock photographer. A stock photographer can take pictures of certain material on their own terms and then sell the photo numerous times after. You can sell your pictures through online stock photography websites such as Shutterstock or iStock. You could also specialize in a specific genre, such as food or corporate photography, and sell the photos online yourself.

Social Media Consultant
With the growth of sites like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, the need for someone to help businesses navigate these marketing avenues is high. If you love to use these types of platforms and you can help companies grow their own following, this may be the business for you.

Virtual Assistant
Everyone needs a little help now and then, and a virtual assistant can often fit the bill. From handling travel reservations to answering emails, your job opportunities are limitless. Since you’ll be virtual, you won’t be stuck with having only one client. For a good idea of some jobs people may need filling, take a look at sites like TaskRabbit.

Virtual Tutor
Remote tutoring is a great job you can do from home, especially if you have a love for teaching. You will need to be able to communicate online with students through a program such as Skype and be skilled in the area in which you would like to provide tutoring. Sites like Tutor.com, Sylvan Learning, and TutorVista.com are all good places to start.

Web Designer
Web design combines the technical know-how of creating a functioning website with the creative requirements of making that site look good and draw in visitors. With the tools available today, almost anyone can create a template-based website, but it takes that special something to make it successful. If you want to challenge yourself in a fairly competitive industry, this might just be the business for you.

Website Content Writer
Content marketing is a big deal right now, and while many people are running successful websites, they may not be great at churning out compelling content to help promote their business. That’s where you come in. Helping companies write quality articles and blog posts can be a great way to make extra money, especially if your writing gets results.

Write & Sell eBooks Online
If you have a good amount of knowledge in a field that other people are interested in, then writing and distributing ebooks on the topic is a great, easy way to make some extra money. With the rising popularity of ereaders like Amazon’s Kindle, the time has never been better to self-publish your own ebooks. In order to maximize your profit potential, make sure you take the time to copyedit your ebook and have some outside sources look it over and critique it before you put it up for sale.

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