How to Hire International Employees » Small Business Bonfire


Are you a business owner looking to find the perfect team of professionals who can help lead your company to success?

Let’s face it; few things will make an impact, like hiring top talent.

If spreading your net a little further and exploring some international candidates might be able to do the trick, read on! In this blog post, we’ll cover how to hire international employees – starting with why it’s such a great idea in the first place.

Steps to Hiring International Employees

Step 1: Understand the Hiring Options

When deciding how to hire international employees, the first step is understanding the options available.

Employers must research how feasible each potential hiring option is for their particular needs.

  • Companies might hire somebody in the country of origin and then use immigration status to bring them on staff.
  • Alternatively, they could do a seminar-style recruiting process where international employees apply and work from their home countries.

Modern trends show growth in virtual/remote hires as international law becomes more relaxed.

Regardless of how you decide to go about it, understanding how to navigate each type of international hiring option will help ensure that your search for the right employees is successful.

Understand the hiring options

Step 2: Get the Right Paperwork in Place

When hiring an international worker, it’s essential to have the correct paperwork in place.

Depending on the role, your candidate may need one of several certifications, such as:

  • Permanent Labor Certification
  • H-2B Temporary Non-Agricultural Work Identification
  • or H-1B Specialty Worker Visa.

Ultimately, hiring an international worker requires serious consideration, so ensure you comply with all laws and regulations!

Get the right paperwork in place

Step 3: Find the Right Candidates

Once the Department of Labor has approved your certification for an international worker, it’s time to start the hiring process.

Some tips for how to hire international employees:

  • Post your job vacancy on an international job site (or multiple sites) that specializes in connecting international workers with employers in your country.
  • Keep an open mind while reviewing international resumes – they can often include information not present in U.S. or U.K.-based resumes.
  • If you don’t want applicants to include any specific pieces of info in their resumes, ensure that’s clear in the job descriptions so candidates aren’t confused or misled.
  • Take into account the time difference when scheduling interviews.

Job boards that specialize in connecting you with international employees include:

  • ZipRecruiter
  • Indeed
  • Coolworks
  • Monster
  • UsponsorMe

Remember, just because a candidate doesn’t have experience in the same country as your business doesn’t mean they don’t have the skills or knowledge needed to do a great job.

Often, international candidates bring unique perspectives and invaluable insights into different cultures, which can be incredibly valuable in the workplace.

By following these tips, all potential hires know how to approach the search process and how to put together a resume that suits your requirements perfectly!

Step 4: Get Your Interviews Down

Hiring international employees is an excellent opportunity for organizations to get the best talent worldwide.

Once you have selected the best-suited candidates, how do you interview them?

  • In most cases, you can use Skype or another video conference toolfor interviews if the workers live in their home country.
  • This will save considerable time since trips to visit them aren’t necessary.
  • As a responsible recruiter, always consider how comfortable they are with technology as your selection criteria.

With the technologies available, it’s easier to bridge distances and interview applicants no matter where they’re located.

Get your interviews down

Step 5: Obtain Your Visas

Hiring an international employee is not a straightforward process.

To ensure compliance with the law, U.S. employers should apply for a work visa from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

U.K. employers should apply for a Tier 2 visa from the Home Office.

These visas ensure that international workers receive fair wages and work in safe conditions.

  • The first step is to complete Form 1-9, which requires documentary evidence that the employee is authorized to accept employment in the U.S.
  • Employers can compare this form with the E-Verify federal database to check their candidate’s work authorization.

In cases where the candidate is not already in the U.S. or U.K., employers will also have to acquire an additional sponsorship license.

Sponsoring an employee for a work visa can be a complex process.

  • The first step is applying for a Labor Condition Application (LCA). This requires employers to provide company statements and additional documentation.
  • Once the LCA is approved, employers must file a petition for a visa on behalf of their international employees.
  • This paperwork must be completed with accuracy and care, as how to hire international employees can differ depending on the employee’s home country.

Depending on how complex the case may be, this process can take anywhere from weeks to months – and unfortunately, there remains a risk that it could be denied.

Though it may initially seem daunting, resources are available to help simplify sponsoring an employee for a work visa, so don’t be intimidated by the process.

Take advantage of what’s out there, and you’ll be well on your way to having that top-notch international employee of your dreams.

Step 6: Know the Tax Implications

It’s essential to comply with all tax regulations when hiring international employees.

  • Verify the applicable laws for your company and their worker
  • Have the international employee apply for a social security number with the Social Security Administration.
  • All employees must complete a Form W-2
  • International workers working abroad require a Form W-8 BEN
  • Both the W-2 and W-8 are required by the ICE and can be used to check their Form I-9 data.

If any discrepancies appear in the information between their records and the government’s records, you’ll receive a no-match letter.

It’s critical that you do not fire the employee due to this letter, as it can be argued as discrimination in court. Instead, read through what the letter says and follow its instructions carefully.

Knowing how to deal with international tax regulations is essential for hiring, compensating, and ensuring a successful relationship with international employees.

Hiring International Employees Wrap Up

Hiring international employees can be tricky, but it is well worth the effort.

Taking the time to research how to hire legal workers from other countries properly allows businesses to find new talent from around the world that they may not have had access to otherwise.

Understanding how a country’s laws and culture differentiate itself from our own is necessary to get it right. Doing due diligence and digging deep into how other countries approach hiring procedures should always be done when exploring how to hire international employees.

If done thoughtfully and carefully, proactively bringing on board international employees can be a positive move for any business looking to expand its global reach.

Now we’d like to hear from you. Do you have any tips for hiring international employees? Let us know in the comments below!

International Hiring FAQ

Can I hire a person from another country?

Yes, you can hire someone from another country with the proper visa or work authorization to be in the U.S. You will need to apply for an LCA and petition for the visa on behalf of the employee.

How do I hire a remote international employee?

You will need to ensure that the employee has the correct visa and work authorization for the specific country they are located in. Additionally, you should research any tax regulations and withholding requirements associated with hiring a remote international employee.

Can U.S. companies hire international employees?

Yes. U.S. companies can hire international employees if they complete the necessary paperwork and receive approval from the Department of Labor and U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). Additionally, employers must comply with all applicable tax regulations when hiring international employees.

How long does it take to hire an international employee?

The time it takes to hire an international employee varies, but typically the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Employers must begin the process early to ensure that any paperwork or applications are completed on time.

How do I hire a non-U.S. citizen?

To hire a non-U.S. citizen, you must obtain the appropriate work authorization from USCIS. You should also review applicable tax regulations and withholding requirements when hiring international employees.

Can a U.S. company hire a foreign employee remotely?

Yes, U.S. companies can hire foreign employees remotely. However, employers must ensure that the employee has the correct visa and work authorization for the specific country they are located in. Additionally, before beginning the process, employers should research any tax regulations associated with hiring a remote international employee.


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