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Synopsys Explores Chip Industry Trends and AI in EDA
Synopsys Explores Chip Industry Trends and AI in EDA

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> In this exclusive video interview, we were able to sit down with Shankar Krishnamoorthy, general manager of the EDA business at Synopsys, at the company’s new headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, to talk about the trends and opportunities in EDA from the AI boom. Krishnamoorthy…

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Reconfigurable FeHEMTs Could Redefine Communications

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> A team of researchers from the University of Michigan has demonstrated a reconfigurable ferroelectric high electron mobility transistor (FeHEMT) that can be modified on the fly and which could be particularly useful for applications like radio frequency front-end modules (RF FEM, RFFE) that manage…

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Atlas Copco Finds Way to Train Inside Noisy Environment
Industrial Company Trains in Noisy Environment

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Atlas Copco USA is home to many industrial ideas. Founded in 1873, the multinational company manufactures industrial tools and equipment with a wide range of markets, including general engineering, electronics, manufacturing and process industries, construction, automotive, and oil and gas. The company’s main focus…

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PCIe Eyes Road Ahead with AI, Automotive
PCIe Eyes Road Ahead with AI, Automotive

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting more attention than ever thanks to the rapid emergence of ChatGPT, so it should be no surprise that well-established, incumbent technologies, such as the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe), are poised to play a critical role. PCIe has become…

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Remi El-Ouazzane: ‘A Tsunami of TinyML Devices is Coming’
Remi El-Ouazzane: ‘A Tsunami of TinyML Devices is Coming’

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> TinyML will become the largest driver of the microcontroller market in the next 10 years, according to Remi El-Ouazzane, the president of STMicroelectronics’ microcontrollers and digital ICs group. “I really believe this is the beginning of a tsunami wave,” he told EE Times in…

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The Golden Age of Custom Silicon Draws Near: Part 3

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> —Last in a three-part series. Read part one here and part two here. Traditional chip developers spend billions on R&D, and their budgets are rising—largely attributed to increased costs of chip designs. While system-on-chip (SoC) development costs are indeed increasing, they may not be…

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