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Processor Startup Improves Memory Function

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> The leaders of VyperCore, a U.K. processor startup that received £4 million in seed funding this month, told EE Times they believe the firm has developed an innovation in memory allocation management that accelerates high-performance, general-purpose compute workloads by a factor of up to…

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Green Software Is Key to Sustainable IoT Innovations

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Leadership in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry demands a new mindset that recognizes the urgent need to address environmental concerns. The exponential growth of connected devices is raising alarming questions about their collective carbon footprint. With more than 30 billion devices expected to…

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U.S. Crawls Toward Rebuilding Frail PCB Industry

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> —Part of this EE Times series: A Vulnerable U.S. Electronics Supply Chain. Other articles in the series include: Experts: U.S. Military Chip Supply Is Dangerously Low and Reshoring Chip Industry Risks Failure With Just More Fabs. Recent efforts by the U.S. government to rebuild…

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Automated Driving Mustn’t Lag Behind Expectations

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> (Source: Arteris Inc.) Consider that there were more than 38,824 automotive fatalities and 115,000 injury accidents in 2020 in the United States alone, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Additionally, Bankrate estimates that the economic cost is $474 billion, which includes wage loss,…

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TSMC’s 3-nm Push Faces Tool Struggles

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is straining to meet demand from top customer Apple for 3-nm chips. The company’s tool and yield struggles have impeded the ramp to volume production with world-leading technology, according to analysts surveyed by EE Times. TSMC and Samsung, its…

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SiC Applications Transforming the Automotive Industry
SiC Applications Transforming the Automotive Industry

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> The global transition to electric mobility has led to a transformation of the automotive sector, called upon by demand for automotive OEMs to create increasingly efficient and high-performance electric vehicles. Electronic technologies, such as wide bandgap semiconductors, play an essential role in enabling the…

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