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Lead Qualification Explained for Small Business Owners

[ad_1] Lead qualification determines the likelihood of a prospect buying your products or services.  But why is this beneficial? Some advantages of lead qualification include the following:  Understand prospects more It saves time AND money  Build stronger customer relationships  Increase conversions Let’s look at these benefits in greater detail!  Helps to Understand Your Prospects Better When…

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EngageBay Pricing Guide 2023: Best Bang for Your Buck?

[ad_1] Within the last decade, Chatbots have become increasingly popular and effective tools for providing customer support. This is why we were excited to test EngageBay’s chatbot feature during our three months of testing. The good news? We were impressed with what Service Bay had to offer! EngageBay Service Bay offers a comprehensive chatbot builder…

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HubSpot Vs. EngageBay 2023: Honest Comparison for SMBs

[ad_1] One of the key features of HubSpot’s Marketing Hub is its robust email marketing capabilities, which are chock-full of advanced marketing automation capabilities.  This makes it easy to create and send professional, targeted emails that align with your company’s brand and objectives.  Moreover, HubSpot offers a collection of helpful templates (shown below).  These templates…

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Lead Conversion Explained for Small Business Owners

[ad_1] Lead conversion strategies are crucial for any company.  Your team can implement more effective lead nurturing with the right tactics and enjoy more sales.  Some of the best ways to convert leads include the following strategies:  Lead scoring  Lead nurturing  Utilizing social proof  Retargeting campaigns  Optimizing lead capture  Behavior automation  In this section, I’ll explain…

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What is an IPO? Guide for SMB Owners

[ad_1] As previously mentioned, IPOs are a lengthy process, typically taking between 12 and 18 months.  During this time, there are eight steps a business goes through before an IPO.  Let’s look at each of these steps in greater detail!  Step 1: Proposals The first step is preparing proposals.  At this stage, underwriters present proposals and valuations that list the following…

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What is Lead Scoring? Using Data for Your SMB Leads

[ad_1] There are numerous lead scoring models your company can utilize.  It’s critical to collect customer data from demographic information to how your customer base interacts with email marketing content.  Do you have to use all of the lead scoring models I present? No, some may not fit with your business or industry.  Still, using some type of system to score…

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