Rates for Video Editing in 2023 » Small Business Bonfire


It’s been a few years since I first started editing videos for clients, and the landscape of rates for video editing has changed.

Rates for video editors can vary widely, depending on the project size, complexity, and even location. But one thing is clear; Rates for video edits are becoming more expensive as demand increases.

In this article, we’ll look at the current rates for video editing as of 2023 and how you can get the best rates for video editing services for your project.

How to Find a Cost-Effective Video Editor

In today’s world, many video editing companies already know how much to charge for video editing for both beginners and experienced experts. 

That’s why, before contacting a particular editor, it’s important to familiarize yourself with several companies and study what services they provide.

Due to the popularity of the video industry, new editors have begun to appear every year, helping many people to create successful clips that stand out from others for their quality and structure. 

Many people use their mobile phones to edit videos, but often this is not enough to create a successful video.

To get started making great videos, you can use the best video editor for TikTok, which will help you do the following:

  • Crop
  • Add effects
  • Trim the video
  • Cut out the necessary frames

It is important to remember that before contacting a particular editor, you need to study their portfolio. 

This is the best way to check the quality of the videos they have already created and decide whether it is worth cooperating with the editor.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to create and edit videos your audience wants to watch in no time!

Factors that Determine Your Video Editing Rates 

First and foremost, rates for video editing depend heavily on the project’s complexity.

Some of the factors that determine your video editing rates include the following:

  • Project pricing
  • Hourly pricing
  • Geographic location
  • Level of experience
  • Crew involved
  • Type of client/industry
rates for video editing - video editing

Project Pricing

Project pricing is one of the main factors that determine video editing rates.

It can be broken down into several components, including the following:

  • Project size
  • Duration
  • Type of project
  • Complexity
  • Special requests or requirements that need to be met

Based on these variables, video editors can create a custom price plan for each project they work on. 

For example, a larger project requiring more complex tasks such as color correction or sound design will usually involve a higher rate than one that requires basic editing only.

Similarly, a longer project involving multiple shoots and many hours of post-production work may have its unique pricing structure. The number of revisions and feedback rounds can also impact the project’s overall cost.

On the other hand, if a client has specific requests regarding their video edit’s style or treatment, this could cause an increase in cost due to additional time taken by the editor to satisfy it. 

When setting up reasonable prices for small and large projects, video editors need to consider how much time they will need to dedicate to the task at hand and whether they can realistically meet all of their client’s demands without going over budget.

This is why editors need to take all factors into account when creating their desired rate plans so that both parties are happy with the outcome.

By considering all these elements and offering fair rates for their services, video editors can ensure successful collaborations with their clients while still earning a respectable income for their hard work.


Some pros of determining the price by the project itself include:

• Rates can be tailored to the specific project needs and budget of the client

• The complexity and size of the project are taken into account

• Clients know up front what they will be paying for services rendered


However, there are also some drawbacks associated with pricing video editing services based on project pricing:

• Rates may be higher than hourly prices as the scale of the project is taken into account.

• Rates could vary greatly depending on the complexity of each project.

• Clients may become dissatisfied if they feel they are paying too much for a given service.

Hourly Pricing

Hourly pricing is one of the key factors that determine video editing rates. When an editor charges by the hour, they are paid for every hour of work they put into a project.

This rate is typically calculated based on the following:

  • Specific requests of the client
  • Skill level and years of experience of the editor
  • Complexity and type of project being undertaken

For example, an experienced video editor with specialist knowledge may charge a higher rate than one who has just started in their career or only has basic skills. 

A video editor’s hourly rate should also reflect the market value for their services. Generally speaking, more complex projects will require higher rates than simpler ones; however, this can vary depending on a variety of factors such as location, demand for that type of service, and so on.

Video editors should be aware that some clients may require them to work late hours and weekends to meet deadlines.

In these cases, they may need to adjust their hourly rate accordingly to recoup any lost wages or extra time spent working on the project outside regular hours. 

It’s important for both editors and clients to establish clear expectations regarding hourly rates before starting a project.

Depending on the scope of work involved, it might make sense to charge a flat fee instead; this allows editors to factor in costs associated with additional equipment rental fees or software licenses that may be necessary for certain projects.

Additionally, it gives them more control over how long they spend working on each task without having to worry about going over budget due to unforeseen circumstances that arise during production. 


Some of the pros of determining the price by the hour include the following:

• Rates can be adjusted if the project requires more hours than anticipated

• Rates are typically lower than flat fee prices, as they are based on an hourly rate

• Rates remain consistent regardless of the complexity of each project


There are, however, some drawbacks associated with pricing video editing services based on hourly fees:

• Rates may not be enough to cover the costs associated with complex projects

• Rates could vary greatly depending on the skill level and experience of the editor

Geographic Location

Geographic location is another factor that can influence video editing rates. Rates vary from region to region depending on the local economic conditions and demand for services in a certain area.

Editors should also research their competition, as this may have an impact on their own pricing structure.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the cost of living in a certain area, as this will affect how much they can charge for their services.

Level of Experience

The level of experience is another factor that affects video editing rates.

Rates tend to be higher for editors with more experience, as they may have a larger portfolio of work and can offer a higher quality service.

Additionally, more experienced editors are likely to have expertise in specific areas, such as motion graphics or color correction, which may require a higher fee.

The level of experience will determine the following: 

  • Video Editor Level
  • Job Description
  • Editing Cost Per Hour

Here are some typical rates for video editors based on their experience level.


  • Basic knowledge and ability to use standard software
  • $20-$45 on average


  • Knowledge of the basics, the ability to edit video with high quality, work experience, an impeccable portfolio, knowledge of the basics of cinematography
  • $45-$80 on average


  • In addition to editing, there is editing experience, extensive work experience, a good reputation, and many other skills.
  • $60-$100 on average

Crew Involved

The number of people required to complete a project can also affect rates. Rates typically increase if extra editors, assistants, or directors are needed to finish the production on time and within budget.

Equipment Used

rates for video editing - equipment

Video editing projects often require additional equipment such as:

  • Cameras
  • Lights
  • Software licenses

Rates may need to be adjusted to cover the costs associated with these items.

Type of Client/Industry

Different industries may also have different rates for video editing services.

Rates might be higher for corporate or professional clients due to the complexity of their projects and the expertise required to complete them.

Some examples of different industries include the following:

  • Television and film
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Corporate and business
  • Music industry

Expected Rates of Editing by Location 

We’ll go over some of the expected rates by location, including:

  • Southeast
  • Northeast
  • Midwest
  • West coast
  • East coast


In the southeast, video editors typically charge $35-$75 per hour for their services.

Rates can vary depending on the complexity of each project, the editor’s level of experience, and the equipment needed to complete it.


In the northeast, video editing rates range from $45-$85 per hour.

Rates may increase or decrease depending on the complexity of each project and any additional equipment that needs to be purchased.


Video editing rates in the midwest typically range from $30-$70 per hour.

Rates can vary depending on the complexity of each project, the editor’s level of experience, and any additional equipment needed to complete it.

West Coast

Video editors on the west coast typically charge $45-$90 per hour for their services.

Rates can vary depending on the complexity of each project, the editor’s level of experience, and any additional equipment needed to complete it.

East Cost

On the east coast, video editing rates typically range from $50-$100 per hour.

Rates may increase or decrease depending on the complexity of each project and any additional equipment that needs to be purchased.

Video Editing Rates Conclusion 

Video editing rates in 2023 can vary depending on several factors.

It’s important to consider all these factors when determining how much you should charge for your services.

It’s also important to ensure you are charging a fair rate for your services to remain competitive. Do you have any questions about video editing rates? Let us know in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a video editor’s hourly rate?

The hourly rate for video editors can vary widely depending on several factors.
Some editors charge an upfront, one-time fee for their services, while others may be willing to negotiate an hourly rate based on the scope of the project and the desired outcome.

Generally speaking, video editors with more experience or specialized skills typically earn higher rates than those just starting in the field.

How do you calculate video editing costs?

Calculating the cost of video editing can be a complex and time-consuming task. Generally speaking, it is important to factor in the amount of time required for each stage of the video editing process.

This includes the following:


In pre-production, there are a few key elements that must be taken into consideration. The first is storyboarding. This is mapping out your script as a series of shots on paper or in drawing software to help visualize how you want to tell your story. Storyboarding takes planning and foresight, which can require some research and brainstorming. Additionally, this stage may involve hiring a director or cinematographer to interpret your ideas visually and ensure the camera is set up correctly during shooting. It may also include scouting locations or getting permits if necessary. 

Production involves recording footage with a camera according to the storyboard created during pre-production and ensuring all technical aspects are taken care of (i.e., lighting and sound). Depending on your project’s complexity or ambition, you may need additional crew members, such as gaffers and grips, to help with setup. 

Post-production requires editing all the footage into an engaging format that tells your story effectively. A professional video editor should have experience with industry-standard software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X and be able to troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise during this process. Post-production also involves adding music, voiceover work (if necessary), color grading for visual consistency, sound mixing for clarity and balance between audio sources, titling for introducing location or characters’ names, etcetera—all these tasks take the time that must be factored into the cost calculation accordingly. 

Finally comes distribution; this includes encoding final files in different resolutions/codecs so they can be uploaded online (or potentially exported onto physical media) as well as publishing them on different platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo—which may come with their fees depending on which service provider you choose—and creating titles/descriptions optimized for search engines like Google and Yahoo! All of these steps must also be accounted for when calculating video editing costs. 

What does video editing include? 

Video editing is manipulating and rearranging video images and sounds to create a new work. It can include special effects, transitions, music, narration, titles, and more. Video editing aims to transform raw footage into a compelling story that conveys emotion and communicates a message.

Video editing involves creating a sequence of shots or scenes cut together to form a cohesive narrative. This process may include selecting specific shots or clips from the original media, removing unwanted content, adding transitions between shots or scenes, and adjusting color balance or brightness levels. Additionally, audio components such as dialogue, sound effects, music, and narration may be added to create an immersive viewing experience. 

How much should I charge for a 30-second video edit?

Charging for a 30-second video edit will depend on many factors, including the complexity of the project, the timeline, and the overall quality. Generally speaking, editing is time-consuming and requires immense skill and unique knowledge to get it right. Video editors often use specialized software applications and digital tools to create high-quality content for their clients. 

When setting a price for a 30-second video edit, it is important to consider all of these elements and include them in your pricing strategy. The project’s complexity dictates how much time it will take to complete the edit, so consider the time and any special skills or software needed to complete the job correctly. Additionally, you should factor in any potential revisions or special requests from your client before setting a final cost. 


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