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25 Basic Marketing Strategies for Beginners

[ad_1] Not every small business has a marketing budget like the bigger companies. More often than not, entrepreneurs don’t even have a lot of extra time to get the word out on their goods and services. These basic small business marketing strategies for novices have been designed to fill that gap. Basic Marketing Strategies Optimize…

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U of Arkansas to Build Groundbreaking SiC Research Facility
U of Arkansas to Build Groundbreaking SiC Research Facility

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> With $18 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and additional support from the Army Research Laboratory, the University of Arkansas has broken ground on a national silicon carbide (SiC) research and fabrication center. SiC is a powerful semiconductor that excels in higher temperature…

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Maximizing Your Small Business Potential

[ad_1] National days in August can provide tons of marketing benefits for small businesses. You may use these holidays in social media posts, in-store promotions, or special events. They can also provide unique opportunities for connecting with customers and boosting sales. Read on for a guide to the top August national days. National Days in…

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