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Adobe Firefly & Google’s Bard: AI in Design

[ad_1] Adobe Firefly is revolutionizing the way small businesses approach their branding and marketing efforts. Adobe recently announced a new partnership with Bard by Google, which will extend the capabilities of Firefly to millions of users, including small business owners. Launched just a month ago, Adobe Firefly has already seen widespread success, generating over 70…

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Roles, Qualifications, and Templates for Hiring at Your Company

[ad_1] In the engineering and technical disciplines, the project engineer holds a position of great importance. Responsible for the successful execution of assigned engineering projects, they offer a blend of engineering knowledge and project management acumen to achieve project objectives. Their roles and responsibilities are varied, ranging from project planning and supervision to quality control…

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How the Automotive Industry Is Influencing Processors

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Over the years, the automotive industry has produced many iconic designs, from the Jaguar E-Type to Sir Alec Issigonis’s Mini. These vehicles are not only lauded for their appearance but their mechanics, from engine to handling. But the automotive industry is changing. How transport…

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Boost Productivity with Microsoft’s Copilot AI

[ad_1] Microsoft Corp. has unveiled its Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access Program, offering a suite of AI-powered tools designed to supercharge productivity within small businesses. This announcement, coupled with the latest data insights from its 2023 Work Trend Index report, suggests that AI could be the antidote to the accelerated pace of work that has…

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How to Sell Art Offline

[ad_1] Creating art is a delight, but selling your art prints pays the bills. So there is no surprise that many emerging artists struggle financially initially as they don’t know how to sell aggressively. If you have just started your art business, this article will help you understand where to find potential buyers for your…

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