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Prophesee Reinvents DVS Camera For AIoT Applications
Prophesee Reinvents DVS Camera For AIoT Applications

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Dynamic vision sensor (DVS) company Prophesee has resized its event-based camera into a form factor that suits always-on, AIoT (artificial intelligence of things) devices. Compared with the company’s 1-million–pixel fourth-generation sensor, the fifth generation, GenX320, has reduced its resolution to 320 x 320 pixels,…

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Six Ways to Educate Employees About Proper Hygiene Practices

[ad_1] Undoubtedly, employees are the backbone of your company, so their health and well-being should be a top priority. The last thing you need is half your staff calling in sick because of some preventable illness making the rounds. As a responsible employer, it’s up to you to make sure your team understands and follows…

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Why Is Germany Offering Citizenship to Descendants of Jewish Victims?

[ad_1] In the annals of European history, the German Jewish community once held a distinguished place, standing out as one of the continent’s most prosperous and substantial Jewish populations. However, this distinction faded dramatically with the rise of the Nazi party during the 1930s and the ensuing horrors of the Holocaust. As a modern-day redressal…

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Chipmakers Fail to Meet Carbon-Emission Target, Experts Say

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> The world’s chipmakers are failing to meet an international target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, experts told EE Times. The first milestone is for emissions to peak in 2025 and steadily fall, one said. A consortium created a few years ago by…

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HubSpot Vs. ActiveCampaign 2023: Best CRM for SMBs?

[ad_1] Great contact management is the bread and butter of any effective CRM, and ActiveCampaign delivers on this front.  For starters, they lead the way in terms of importing your data.  Just look at how many options ActiveCampaign offers to import data with just a click.  This essentially eliminates the opportunity cost of switching to…

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Silicon Catalyst Launches £1.3M ChipStart U.K. Incubator
Silicon Catalyst Launches £1.3M ChipStart U.K. Incubator

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?>  At the launch of Silicon Catalyst’s ChipStart U.K. incubator program in London last week, 12 British chip design startups pitched their technologies and plans to the who’s who of the U.K. semiconductor ecosystem. The event had a huge air of excitement, with veteran semiconductor…

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