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What is a Password Policy and How to Create One?

[ad_1] Compromised passwords are a leading reason for data breaches. In fact, more than 80% of hacking-related breaches are caused by password-related issues. A strong password policy can help ensure everyone in your business uses strong passwords. So what is a password policy? How can you create a standard password policy? And what are password policy best…

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13 Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

[ad_1] Creating an effective website is an important part of any business’s success. It can be a powerful way to reach potential customers, engage with existing ones, build brand awareness and even make sales. As a digital marketing expert, I have seen all the website mistakes in the book. Of all the mistakes, some are…

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Where Will AI Take Us This Year?

[ad_1] //php echo do_shortcode(‘[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Post”]’) ?> Over the past decade, artificial intelligence has matured from a laboratory curiosity to a pervasive technology applied to everything. The AI market is poised to reach $1.6 billion by 2030, up from $87 billion in 2021, according to Precedence Research. This explosive growth rests…

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Loan Questions to Ask Before Taking The Next Step

[ad_1] The first questions to ask are not to the lender, but to yourself. What are your reasons for wanting to take out a small business loan? Do you want to buy equipment? Buy a building? Need capital? A small business owner needs to have an ironclad reason to be willing to add a loan payment…

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What is Workforce Optimization? Ultimate Guide

[ad_1] Have you ever wished there was a way to ensure your employees work as efficiently and effectively as possible? Workforce optimization is the answer.  With the right tools, you can maximize efficiency, boost morale, and create a better workplace.  As someone who has experienced the power of workforce optimization firsthand, I know exactly how helpful it…

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Farm Action Urges FTC to Investigate High Egg Prices

[ad_1] What’s really behind the high egg prices? A group called Farm Action has asked the Federal Trade Commission to see if the federal anti-trust act has been violated. Is it fowl play? Or a unavoidable response to rising costs, including fuel and feed? Farm Action Tells FTC to Investigate Possible Egg Price Gouging First,…

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