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What is Zoning Variance?

[ad_1] You need to start by understanding a zoning ordinance. Zoning ordinances define how property gets used in specific areas. When they work properly, they perform functions like keeping residential areas free from factories. And they define what can be used for agricultural, commercial, and other uses. A city council can define use. The ordinance…

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11 Benefits of Video Marketing in 2023 » Small Business Bonfire

[ad_1] Are you an entrepreneur looking to get ahead of the competition in 2023? If so, it’s time to start thinking about a video marketing strategy! The potential benefits of video marketing are numerous, ranging from creating greater brand awareness and improving your website’s SEO ranking to increasing sales and building meaningful customer relationships. Ready to know all the ways…

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Best Phishing Training Options for You and Your Employees

[ad_1] One of the best defenses against phishing attacks is training. By teaching your employees how to recognize and report phishing attempts, you can help keep your company safe from hackers. But with so many training options available, how do you choose the right one for your business? We’ve compiled a list of the best…

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The 5 Step Plan for Marketing Your Innovative New Product

[ad_1] You’ve got a brilliant idea for a product that could completely change the market, and you’re ready to bring it to millions of customers worldwide. For innovators and entrepreneurs everywhere, we understand the rush of developing an exciting new product. Not to mention how tricky getting it off the drawing board and into the…

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11 Cash App Scams to Watch Out For

[ad_1] Did you know that there are fake Cash App scams out there waiting to pounce on unsuspecting users? If you’re not careful, you could fall victim to one of these schemes when you transfer money. So, how can you protect yourself against these scammers? Read on for a list of the 11 most common…

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