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New WhatsApp Desktop App Promises Faster, Better Calls

[ad_1] WhatsApp have introduced a new desktop app for Windows which promises to provide faster and better video and audio calls. New WhatsApp Desktop App Promises Faster, Better Calls The desktop app for WhatsApp also sees improvements made to device linking, as well as better syncing across multiple devices. The new and improved desktop app…

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Google Ads Language Targeting: Your Ultimate Guide

[ad_1] You are in the right place if you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to Google Ads language targeting.  As an experienced digital marketer, I understand the struggle of trying to reach a global audience without overriding your budget.  With this guide, you will be able to optimize your campaigns for better results by using the…

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Connect With Other Entrepreneurs at at Houston SBE

[ad_1] Connecting or networking with other entrepreneurs is one of the best ways to learn and grow. Houston Small Business Expo is going to bring together 1,000 business owners, professionals, and decision-makers so you can make these connections. Having all of these people and companies in one place means you will find the answers you…

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